Did You Know You are a Miracle?

I try and appreciate life every day. I routinely celebrate the small stuff, enjoy good food, workout and laugh. It can get hard sometimes. We have rough days. We deal with illness, suffer flat tires, worry about loved ones and have the occasional argument. We are not immune to the downs that life inevitably brings.

But, on my birthday (and as many other days as possible) I remind myself how precious life is and how much of a miracle it is to be alive.

Did you know that the chances of us being here – alive – is pretty much zero. Seriously, the odds of you being born are 1 in more than 500 trillion! (Yes, that’s a T) Check out THIS POST from The Huffington Post explaining how they came up with that number. Crazy, right?




So, in short, if you’ve ever wondered if you were meant to be here, if you have a purpose or if you can really achieve all there is in life, the answer is yes. You’ve already beat the biggest odds against you. I’m off to celebrate, what are you going to do?