Where does the time go? And trying something new.

Greetings from the Cohnpound!

It seems like I “find” the time to post about every 2 months…grrrr. I have all good intentions to share all the great things that are happening (because they are!) but time seems to get away from me. Ya feelin’ me, or am I the only one with this problem? Among all of life’s duties, Hub and I are either tending to the pups, the chickens, planting seeds (and then the garden), working our full time jobs AND most importantly relaxing and enjoying all we work for. So, I’ll try and give myself a break.

But we DO have a lot of great stuff going on so I am going to make a public commitment (to all of my 3 readers, which I love) to post a little more. I do keep up on social media (Facebook because that’s the platform we old folks stole from the kids) but I want to put stuff out there that my great-great grand kids can look back and read, so hence this blog.

In addition to leaving a bit of a (later) life’s journal for my future grand children’s grand children (wouldn’t put my 20’s or 30’s in writing if you paid me), I want to inspire others to live their dreams. My happiness comes from working for what I have and want and appreciating what what I have.  I am noticing the less stuff I have, the happier I am. I hope that whomever happens upon this site will see that happiness comes from within and life is not an end game, it’s living and enjoying as much as you can each and every day.

So that’s that!

Now on to the trying something new. I’ve always been a bit of a geek when it comes to technology, although curious, I’ve never been a pro. But recently I’ve been a bit obsessed with Gary Vaynerchuk. If you haven’t heard of him or listened to his teachings, I highly encourage you to. He’s swears A LOT, so be warned. But he’s also inspired a bit of hustle in me. I’m the very best employee I can be, and I go to sleep every night knowing I did the best I could that day and I gave 120%! But, I’ve always had a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit. (Maybe in a future post I’ll talk about the dozen or so companies I’ve tried (and failed) to start).  So who knows, the more I write, the more value I add to the world, maybe something will come of it. If not, I know I’ve tried, I know I’ve put it all out there. I don’t know where this is going, but I know that I’ve got some good things to share.

Chicken Salad.

So this is extremely random, but I’m going to put it out there, because life is about doing, not thinking about doing (don’t get this confused with doing before thinking, we advocate for responsible behavior). I’m going to share this very SIMPLE video about a very SIMPLE chicken salad that I love to make. It takes about 3 minutes and you can doctor it up however you wish. Add garlic powder, onion powder, curry powder, mustard, walnuts, cranberries, diced celery, diced onion…trade the apple for grapes or pear…add salt (not too much), pepper, hot pepper or a dash of tabasco. See where I’m going with this? It’s so versatile but just as delicious as is.


I made this video (or photo montage) in about 5 minutes on my phone. It’s goofy and clunky but it’s mine. I’m not sure if you’ll be able to leave a comment because I’m still figuring out this whole WordPress thing, but if you can, I would love to hear from you. What do you think? What questions do you have? Stay tuned for some fun updates on all that’s been going on with us and hopefully some great takeaways for you. XOXO

Be healthy, be well,
The Cohn’s

2 Replies to “Where does the time go? And trying something new.”

  1. Keep up the interesting blog. Everyone has the problem of time running on without you.

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