Why that sculpted supermodel’s body does not motivate me!

Please, don’t take this as a “fit-shaming” post.  I don’t believe there is any room to judge anyone else’s body (or anything else for that matter). Whether it’s a super fit woman who exposes her chiseled abs 4 weeks postpartum, (way to go!) or a woman showing off her curves (good for you beautiful!), I preach self-love and self-acceptance no matter what size you are or want to be.

That being said, I read something this week that really resonated with me. It was a post about how many women (and maybe men) looking to get healthy and fit are really intimidated and turned off by those gorgeous fitness models guaranteeing you to “get that beach body in 4 weeks!”  I have been thinking about this for a long time and was happy to know that it wasn’t just me. I do appreciate a well sculpted body, I know how much work it takes, and I know that certain people get motivated by seeing a beach body.

But, for some of us, it’s not about fitting into the bikini. Some of us are past the point where 6 pack abs are important or wanted.  I don’t think I’m alone when I say I just want to feel confident in my own skin. I want to live the healthiest life so I have the best chance of living a long, high quality life. This includes my mind and body. I want to be strong and fit to do the things I love. This is what healthy means to me. The end.

Be healthy, be well,